After a very wet Spring, the sun has decided to make a more consistent appearance. The garden has started to take off and it's time to enjoy the benefits of all that hardwork.
Early morning walks through the garden are a great time to reflect, rejuvenate, and find peace. The sun hits the dew on the grass and plants in such a way that they glisten. Birds wake up and the world comes alive.
Unconsciously, I have planted flowers that bloom in waves. There is always something blooming which I love. Here's a peak at some of what's blooming now

The hanging baskets I made a few months ago have also started to fill out and the hummingbirds are back to feast on the petunia blooms. I love how much the deck transforms into an oasis.
The raised bed garden has given us quite the bounty so far. Broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, onions, garlic, peas, lettuce, celery, zucchini and rhubarb. Tomatoes, beans and squashes are growing well and starting to flower. I will post recipes soon.
I have even started some new seeds in the hope of extending our growing season this Fall with the greenhouse that's still not finished! More to come on that front but here's a peak at the progress so far.
As I spend more time in the garden, my stress levels go down. The connection to the Earth and Nature is real. My joy moments become more plentiful as the garden transforms
Here's hoping you have opportunities to unplug, reconnect, and always find joy.
-The Joyful Gardener