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It's time to plant the garden!

With our cold weather so far this spring, I have delayed getting plants into the ground. I have been hardening off plants for the last few weeks waiting for milder temperatures. The last two years were very mild and so I could plant earlier. Over the Easter weekend, I finally got plants into the beds and finalized my plans for the garden this year in between working on the greenhouse.

Here's what I have planned:

Bed number 1

I planted everything but the celery, the squashes and the beans. The celery is still hardening off and will be planted by the end of the week. The squashes and beans will come later once it is warn. I have just started the squash seeds inside and will direct sow the beans.

Planter 2:

Again, everything has been planted except the squashes which I started this week indoors.

Planter 3:

I soaked the peas overnight before planting them. The tomatoes are growing crazily indoors (I probably started them way too early but I will plant them deeply and cross my fingers).

Some pea varieties were bush variety and some trellis. It doesn't look like much now but there are 48 peas planted which should give us a good variety of both snap and shelling peas for the summer. I will plant another set in a few weeks so that we can harvest throughout the summer.

Planter 4:

I have left room for both the peas (second set) and the beans which I will direct sow when the weather is better. I just started the zucchini seeds indoors and will move them out when the weather is warmer.

Planter 5:

The rhubarb overwintered and is growing well. I have planted the lettuce that I started indoors and will plant the radishes and spinaches directly into the garden bed in a few weeks.

The lettuce is a bit spindly as it was outside in pots for a bit too long waiting for better weather. There is a lot of buttercrunch and romaine in there. I am hoping that they will perk up now that the weather is warmer and there is more room to grow.

Up next, will be to make the hanging baskets and deck planters. Plants are hardening off and should be ready to pot up by this weekend! Stay tuned!

Happy Gardening!

The Joyful Gardener

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